Saturday, June 21, 2008

Germany in the Final Four!

Goddamn I love the drama of sports! In fact, I haven't felt so jazzed about a game since my senior year of high school when the Twins were in the pennant race...

Anyway, Germany played a marvelous 3-2 game against Portugal on Thursday and it was so thrilling. The Portuguese players are such Lacy Lovelaces: Rolling around on the ground when a German brushed up against them, covering their mouths in agony at the mere appearance of a cleat, etc. Thank goodness the Germans weren't distracted, they finally played a cohesive game. Then last night the game to determine our halb-finale partner was played: Turkey vs. Croatia. It was an utterly boring game, no score after 90 mins, but then Croatia scored, then Turkey scored, and then they had to go into a shoot out. Turkey won, and it was one of the more exciting victories I have ever seen! There are over 8 million Turks living in Germany and thus the street celebrations after the game were insane: Fireworks, flags, drums, Mediterranean pubescents with beer.

Other news pales in comparison to soccer, but we had a visitor in my mother this week. It was so good to have family here, but the weather was scheisse and there's only so much to do in the 'Furt. We went to the gorgeous botanical gardens, the Palmengarten. Unfortunately, this trip was made after seeing "The Happening." I am so afraid of plants.

My other highlight of the week was going to an art opening with Katie We were so out of place, seeing that our main goal was to sample every free dessert and appetizer they were offering. The event was for a new modern photography exhibit at the Staedel called "Warhol malt night," (Warhol doesn't paint). The photos were great but what was even better was the entertainment. A dashing man in a black suit and jaunty white hat played the piano. He sang really cheesy songs, like "Night Fever," in this jazzy, sexy way. I piked up his card after the event, and his name was printed as "Dr. Feelgood Jr." I kid you not.

Katie left for NYC today, I am too sad to write anymore.

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