Saturday, January 24, 2009

Mrs. Cheapie

This week I have been taking note of my sudden frugality. I never before considered myself cheap, or worse, tight-fisted, but as I eyed a package of unopened toilette paper rolls at University on Thursday and actually considered stuffing them in my bag I realized by bargain-hunting just took a sharp turn towards theft.

Perhaps all the talk about the economy entered my psyche by osmosis. I don't have enough money to worry about the stock market, and I (fortunately? unfortunately?) don't have a mortgage or a car payment. I make enough money to live on and save some Euros each month, but since moving to Germany I have found myself saving socks with holes in them, reusing Ziplock bags, avoiding name-brand cereal and (worst of all) going to more matinées.

I hate matinées, the whole magic of the movies has to do with darkness, no daylight, etc. Even more, I hate the people who go to them looking to save a buck.

Yes the cost of living in Europe is much higher than in St. Paul, but personally that fact rings true for me because I can't eat my mom's food, watch my family's cable or trick my father into "checking" my car for gas (works every time). So maybe my life lesson here isn't that I'm cheap; it's that I used to be a major freeloader.

The Germans loved the inauguration. I was surprised it was on all the major networks here! Many students told me they loved the ceremony but were startled by the frequent mentioning of God. Whatever, heathens.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Come home. I'll feed you, wash your clothes, and fill up your car!